Booked out | Excursion. Nature as a studio - Naturart and Botany with Eva Dierichs-Schmitt and Jutta Gielisch

12:00 – 16:00
Workshop – free of charge - registration necessary

21 Oct 2023

In this workshop, art and nature approach each other from ever new angles. You will get to know nature on the one hand as a studio for creative design, and on the other hand as a classroom for experiments and nature experiences. Creative interventions playfully alternate with botanical explanations along the way. On rainy days, a NatureWorkshop, a NatureLab and a NatureAtelier await you in the studio.


Your lecturers: Eva Dierichs-Schmitt (graduate biologist, PTA, lecturer) and Jutta Gielisch (graduate designer, M.A. Art Analog Coaching)


Registration necessary! oder +49 2228 9425-36

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