Introduction to gravure and flat printing with Franka Peikert

11:00 – 16:00  |  Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Workshop – Registration necessary

22 Jul 2023

Introduction to intaglio and planographic printing - drypoint, line etching, drill presses and all sorts of scratchy tools


Diverse printing plates are available: Rhenalon, Tetrapak and zinc. Printing is done with oil paint. The metal plates will be etched with iron-III-sulfate, wearing appropriate protective clothing and after instruction. You are welcome to bring your own materials: e.g. copper plates; handmade paper and etching tools. Please bring your own dishes and food for a short break. Coffee and tea can be made on site.


Cost: 50 euros | plus museum entrance fee | incl. material worth 10 euros (My zinc plates are from the roofing trade and accordingly "pre-scored". That is, they have scratches and other wonderful style elements. Who does not want this, can purchase blank plates from the museum fundus.)

Registration required: Franka Peikert

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