Join in! Painting and poetry competition for children in collaboration with picture book artist Martin Baltscheit

11:00 – 18:00
Special Event – Painting and poetry competition for children aged 4 - 10 years

19 Jun 2024

Ringlet rows und Snake wreath


Take your favorite animal

and tell us about its shape and

movements in a picture or a poem,

during the day, at night or in its dreams.


Animals and their movements in art and pictures!



Conditions of participation:

We need: Paper format: DIN A4 (21 x 29 cm)

Painting or poetry technique: Free choice! Paper collages are also possible.


Labeling of the pictures:
On the back, please write legibly: Your name, your age, your address. Parents' e-mail address. Please don't forget, otherwise we won't be able to find you again.
Closing date for entries: October 14, 2024


The winner of the 1st prize may book a workshop with a maximum of 12 friends of his/her choice or family free of charge at a time of his/her choice.
Winners of the 2nd - 7th prize may attend a workshop free of charge with one other person.
All participants in the competition will receive a signed picture book by Martin Baltscheit.


Submission by post or at the museum ticket office.

Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck

Stickwort: Malwettbewerb

Hans-Arp-Allee 1

53424 Remagen


By participating, legal guardians accept the publication of the artwork with first name and age.

Children's exhibition of 20 works from the competition in the museum's Arp Laboratory for the Käpt'n Book Reading Festival from November 10 to November 24, 2024.
Opening of the children's exhibition, Sunday, November 10, at 11 a.m.


Live painting event by picture book artist Martin Baltscheit in the Arp Labor from November 7 to 9, 2024

Further Information on the competition and how to win: or +49 2228 942536




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