Open workshop at the arp lab

14:00 – 17:00  |  Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Workshop – free of charge - no registration necessary!

10 Feb 2023

You want to be creative yourself, would like to realise your ideas with or without guidance, experiment or get to know new techniques? Then come to the Arp Museum! Every Friday afternoon, from 2 pm., the arp lab opens its doors to anyone who wants to become artistically active. Here, young or old, alone or in groups, can work freely and without constraint, whether you come with a concrete idea or simply want to try something new. Drawing, painting, sculpting, printing, ... the offer is wide and the materials are freely available. You are also welcome to bring your own utensils or works you have already started and use our facilities.

arp lab is located directly above the entrance hall of the Arp Museum. Participation is free of charge and possible without registration.


Costs: free of charge

Contact: or +49 2228 9425-36

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