Textile/tactile pictures and fabric collages. Water - the color blue with Beata Prochowska

12:00 – 17:00  |  Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Workshop – 2-day - Registration necessary

23 Nov 2024

The water.....
blue, green, brown, thin, thick, moving, standing, tearing...
We will try to trace the water - with color, structures and textures. We will interpret "water" using textile techniques such as smocking, embroidery, gathering and layering. With textile collages and the manipulation of surfaces, we will embark on a search!


Costs: 150 euros per person | incl. material | plus one-time museum entrance fee

Registration necessary: Beata Prochowska oder +49 177 3821960


Approximately three weeks before the workshop starts, the registered participants will receive a letter with detailed information about the contents.

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