Theatre Fitters | punkt punkt komma strich | Theatre. Picture. World.

10:30  |  Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Special Event – For kindergartens and primary schools (classes 1 + 2) - guest performance by the Theatre Fitters - registration required

20 Sep 2022

punkt punkt komma strich is a game with images that magically appear out of thin air. The audience is invited to experience how small stories develop in the ever more colourful worlds. When the painter begins to slit openings in his pictures in search of views into an even larger world, he also provides insight into his world of pictures. And some of the paintings suddenly become real.

The play is suitable for all kindergarten children from 3 years and primary school (classes 1 + 2).


Further information can be found here.


Participants: The maximum number of participants is determined by the current Corona Control Ordinance of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Cost: 6 euros per person | incl. museum admission

Registration required! Theatre Fitters or +49 177 9256318



Theater Monteure

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