Maestras. Women Masters 1500–1900

February 25 – June 16 2024

  • Fede Galizia, Judith und Holofernes, 1601–10, © Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia, Patrimonio Nacional, Madrid | Foto: Mick Vincenz
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    Fede Galizia, Judith and Holofernes, 1601-10
    © Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia, Patrimonio Nacional, Madrid | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Eröffnung der Ausstellung
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    Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: David Ertl
  • Eröffnung der Ausstellung
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    Opening of the exhibition "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: David Ertl
  • Sofonisba Anguissola, Selbstporträt, 1556, © Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, Paris | Foto: Mick Vincenz
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    Sofonisba Anguissola, Self-Portrait, 1556
    © Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, Paris | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Ausstellungsansicht
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    Exhibition view "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Maddalena Corvina, Selbstporträt, Mitte 17. Jh., © Privatsammlung, Norfolk, UK | Foto: Denisa Ilie
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    Maddalena Corvina, Self-portrait, Mid of 17th cent.
    © Private collection, Norfolk, UK | photo: Denisa Ilie
  • Ausstellungsansicht
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    Exhibition view "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Giovanna Garzoni, Stillleben mit Kirschen auf einem Teller, Bohnenschoten und einer Holzbiene, 1642-51, © Gallerie degli Uffizi, Gabinetto Fotografico, Florenz
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    Giovanna Garzoni, Still life with cherries on a plate, pods and carpenter bee, 1642-51
    © Gallerie degli Uffizi, Gabinetto Fotografico, Florenz
  • Eröffnung der Ausstellung
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    Opening of the exhibition "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: David Ertl
  • Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, Lady Hamilton als Bacchantin, ca. 1790–92, © National Museums Liverpool, Lady Lever Art Gallery | Foto: Mick Vincenz
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    Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante, c. 1790–92
    © National Museums Liverpool, Lady Lever Art Gallery | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Ausstellungsansicht
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    Exhibition view "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Mary (Stevenson) Cassatt, Louise, ihr Kind stillend, 1898–99, © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck / Slg. Rau für UNICEF | Foto: Mick Vincenz
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    Mary (Stevenson) Cassatt, Louise, nursing her child, 1898–99
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck / Slg. Rau für UNICEF | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Ausstellungsansicht
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    Exhibition view "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Eröffnung der Ausstellung
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    Exhibition opening "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: David Ertl
  • Helene Funke, In der Loge, 1904-1907, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024 | Foto: Mick Vincenz
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    Helene Funke, In the box, 1904-1907, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
    © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024 | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Eröffnung der Ausstellung
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    Opening of the exhibition "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: David Ertl
  • Ausstellungsansicht
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    Exhibition view "Maestras"
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck | photo: Mick Vincenz
  • Sonia Delaunay, Simultane Kleider (Drei Frauen, Formen, Farben), 1925, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, Foto: Hélène Desplechin, Humberto Durán, José Loren
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    Sonia Delaunay, Simultaneous dresses (three women, forms, colours), 1925, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
    © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024 | photo: Hélène Desplechin, Humberto Durán, José Loren

Throughout the history of art, women have been systematically disregarded, excluded, or treated as exceptions. Today, many international museums rediscover women artists from the Middle Ages to Modernity and appreciate their contributions to the development of painting.

Numerous masterpieces by women artists have languished unseen in museum storages. In cooperation with the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid, the Arp Museum presents a wide-ranging exhibition featuring works by 51 women painters, drawn from major European museums and private collections.

Alongside artists such as Artemisia Gentileschi,Élisabeth Vigée-Le Brun, and Mary Cassatt, who were celebrated in their own times, the exhibiton also shows women masters whose rediscovery is long overdue. All of them overcame considerable obstacles and succeeded in embarking upon their own artistic pathways.

The spectrum expands from medieval book painters working in convents to Baroque artists who received artistic training in their father's studios, and all the way to modern pioneers who stood up for equality.

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Something of interest for you

As part of the exhibition, you are invited to attend the conference "Il genio della donna. Donne e arte da Bologna all’Europa", which is dedicated exclusively to women artists and discusses the latest studies in this field. The conference can be accessed online using the following link.


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Ministerium für Familie, Frauen, Kultur und Integration Rheinland-Pfalz
Kreissparkasse Ahrweiler
Logo der Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer des Arp Museums

Curator - Art Chamber Rau

Dr. Susanne Blöcker

+49 2228 9425-68

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